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Join Local Authority SEEN

If you would like to become a member of Local Authority SEEN, please use the below form to express your interest.

Or just sign up to our mailing list using the form at the bottom.

All members will be vetted before your membership is accepted. This process is essential to maintain the integrity of our network and to reassure all members. Members will have access to a secure online space to make contact with other LA SEEN members.

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You MUST provide your local authority email address in the first instance. This is so that we can verify that you are a local authority employee.

Mailing list

If you don’t want to become a vetted member, but would like to receive updates from us, you can add your name to our mailing list and sign up with a personal email address.

We do understand that many local authority staff are in work environments where they may not – yet – feel comfortable revealing their belief in the importance and immutability of sex. We want to change that. Until we can – please use this form to sign up to our mailing list on a personal basis.

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Your data will be held securely and in line with the provisions of GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, and therefore we will not store your data any longer than necessary.